#21 – TV Writing Legend Ron Friedman

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Ron Friedman: TV Writing Master

Ron Friedman: TV Writing Master

Quick link to Podcast episode #21

How one man became Hollywood’s most prolific TV writer…

Ron Friedman is one of the most prolific and celebrated television writers of all time. Join this raucous “live” conversation over lunch in outdoor patio at Caffé Roma in Beverly Hills as Ron talks about working with show business  legends like longtime friend Stan Lee, the creator of X-Men, Spider Manand Iron Man.

Stan Lee

Stan Lee

With more than 700 TV and movie scripts to his name on shows like Get Smart, Bewitched, The Odd Coupleand Charlie’s Angels, Ron shares his secrets to entering the rarified atmosphere of professional film and television writing…as well as some practical tips for surviving on a rigorously competitive career path.

Transformers: The Movie!

Transformers: The Movie!

If you want the real “inside story” from the visionary behind Transformers: The Movie, and “the man who killed Optimus Prime” listen now…

Download it instantly and keep it forever!

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